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Does video marketing work, or is it just a fad everyone seems to talk about without helping your business grow?

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An audience will keep 95% of a message when they watch it in video format, compared to 10% when they read it. Also one minute of video is actually worth 1.8 million written words, those two statistics should be reason enough for you to consider using video to establish yourself as an authority in your business industry.

By the end of 2022, 82% of all traffic on the web is predicted to be video. That’s because videos are more engaging, more memorable, drive more traffic, and hold almost every other advantage over text. With over 5 billion hours of video watched on YouTube every single day, that is two and a half hours per user every single day. YouTube is one of the main sources of video entertainment when it comes to your ideal customer. Videos are undoubtedly one of the most effective marketing tools you can use.

Benefits of Video Marketing for Business Growth

Still doubtful? Is it worth it to consider using videos for marketing your business? Can you dedicate enough resources to creating and using video content in your marketing strategy? There are a number of benefits that you can take advantage of for your business, and here are some of them:

Video boosts conversion rates.

HubSpot reports that including a video on a landing page can increase your conversions by 80%. Utilising video in your landing page strategy can increase conversion rates if you already use it for marketing. It helps you rank on Google and keeps people on your page longer. Also, if optimised correctly, it helps with your SEO.

Also, video boosts sales. Research shows 74% of people who watch an explainer video about a product will buy it. Not such a surprising statistic for video to be so effective, especially as sight is our dominant sense, and the brain receives most of its information visually. People are now watching an average of 16 hours of online video a week in lieu of the TV, so creating your authority around your specific area of expertise, is a great way to capture even just a small percentage of that audience.

Video is also a great way to build a personality around your brand as you show up as human, rather than a faceless person behind social media posts.

Videos are great for email marketing.

For businesses already creating videos, integrate them into your email campaigns. Emails that include videos have a 96% click-through rate. Using that method will help you stand out from the competition. Here are 2 options that you can use to embed your video into your email:

You can create a GIF from your videos with a call to action, encouraging them to watch the full video. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to create one. Here’s a quick step you can follow:

  1. Use a tool like IMG Flip and Giphy.
  2. Paste your YouTube or Vimeo URL for the video you want to use.
  3. Make your GIF as long as you like.
  4. Download the final GIF and include it in your email campaign.

The next option is to use an image or your video thumbnail. The goal is to click on the image linked to the video’s URL. Below is an example of how we use it in our newsletters:

Use Thumbnail

You can take a screenshot of your video, or you can create an image from any editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Canva.

Depending on your marketing plan or strategy, there is a limitless option of content you can use for your videos. You may include behind-the-scenes type of videos, which  can be short and quirky to emphasise who your brand is. Employees can put together videos if they want to showcase something, whether it’s a personal story, the story of how a major project came about, or a look at the day-to-day work routine.

Educational videos give your subscribers something valuable, expecting nothing in return, so it’s the most useful option for your ideal client. Again, there are many varieties of instructional videos, but the most watched is the ‘how-to videos’ to teach people how to use a specific product or service.

Video builds trust and credibility.

The foundation of conversions and sales is trust. Building trust with your target market should be one of your goals as it is is creating long-term relationships and is at the core of content marketing. Video can not only help you grow your business, it can build your authority, and to get your ideal audience to feel as if they actually know you. Instead of selling, provide information that is useful and interesting and let them come to you.

Promotional video are great at building trust, with increased fears of fraud or scams, some consumers still hesitate to make purchases online. Fortunately, effective marketing videos give your products a conversational tone, as well as a sense of individuality, which is why there are consumers say they are more likely to make an online purchase after viewing a video.

Video is more likely to trigger emotion and engage us, which is why when you often watch videos on YouTube, they have cutaways and B-rolls, for no other reason than to keep you engaged. The best part of video is that it can be used across nearly every social media platform, from Facebook lives, to Instagram TV, Reels and Stories as well as TikTok. Therefore, if you are serious about content marketing, you should also be serious about video.

Business Growth with YouTube: Online Marketing Course

If video seems all to daunting, and setting up a YouTube Channel is beyond your understanding. I have created an online YouTube course, based on the years of face to face workshops I’ve run. Through this online course, you will learn exactly how to set up your channel the right way. How to create a video script that converts and entertains, as well as the basics of using B-roll and cut aways to keep your audience engaged. Learn how to plan your YouTube marketing strategy and start growing and making money on YouTube.


Understanding how to use video as part of your marketing strategy to grow your business is essential. If you would like to learn how to set your YouTube channel up correctly, to start growing your audience, and your business, click here to learn more. It will put you streaks ahead of your competition when it comes to growing your business.

Whether you have any questions or simply want to chat, drop a comment below! We offer a full range of done for you realistic, practical marketing solutions for your business that deliver results and hit the spot with your customers. You can check out what we do here.

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If you want to learn how to implement different marketing elements in your own business, I have a series of Online Digital Success courses focusing on different marketing elements. These are self-paced courses, so you don’t miss out on the learning! You can learn all about those here.

Prefer structured mentoring? I also offer a 12 week 1to1 mentoring program designed to Give You Clarity, Generate leads & STOP DROWNING IN THE OVERWHELM! There are also 2 hours Strategy Sessions available. If it’s time to get a Clear Action Plan, Digital Strategy Map & Checklists, you can check out the details here!

Regardless of what you need when it comes to online marketing, take the Leap … we are your springboard to success!

Why Video Marketing for Business Will Make You Grow?

FAQs To Know About Video Marketing

Benefits of Video Marketing for Business Growth
  • Video boosts conversion rates.
  • Videos are great for email marketing.
  • Video builds trust and credibility.
How to Create a GIF?
  1. Use a tool like IMG Flip and Giphy.
  2. Paste your YouTube or Vimeo URL for the video you want to use.
  3. Make your GIF as long as you like.
  4. Download the final GIF and include it in your email campaign.

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